Memorial Day 2019 at Brittany American
This beautiful AWON Wreath and Banner remembered our fathers on Memorial Day 2019 at Brittany American.
A Navy Color Guard leads the services.
Meet Brian Hope's Dad, William H. Hope, with Muriel Balmforth Hope and little Brian.
Brian's Dad shipped out to England a few days after this picture was taken. His unit landed on Utah Beach
on 13 August of 44, and he was killed on 25 August, just 12 days later, when Brian was exactly 9 months old.
Brittany Overseas Coordinator, Jacky Emery with Brittany Stateside Coordinator, Brian Hope
and his wife, Patty following the Brittany services.
On 13 September '44, SSGT Sherwood Hallman single-handedly captured an important German machine gun nest,
causing a massive surrender of German troops. SSGT Hallman survived, but was tragically killed in action
the very next day in an essentially unrelated combat action. SSGT Hallman is the father of a longtime
AWONer and is one of only TWO men remembered at Brittany who earned the Medal of Honor.
The Brittany Wreath and Banner remembered 27 men by name -
our fathers - and so many others who died in the cause of freedom.
In Their Memory