Memorial Day 2019 at Henri-Chapelle
Henri Chapelle remembers almost 8,000 American fallen.
The beautiful AWON wreath and banners – provided by the sons and daughters of Henri-Chapelle.
First-time presenters were Rik and Dianna Peirson, along with Brady Creel.
Dianna is proud to share the wreath and banner with the originators of the AWON Wreath and Banner program,
in 16 cemeteries worldwide: Régine and Bernard Achten and their daughter, Marie, who adopted the grave
of 1LT John Peirson a couple of years ago.
Rik and Dianna Peirson and Marie Achten with American Ambassador to Belgium, Ronald J. Gidwitz.
Rik enjoys a moment with the man who (with an able staff) does it all at Henri-Chapelle – Superintendent
Chris Arsenault. We think the archangel of Henri-Chapelle lives on his shoulder.
Banners that accompanied the wreath remembered 56 men by name -
our fathers - and so many others who died in the cause of freedom.
In Their Memory
Thanks to Rik Peirson, Henri-Chapelle American Stateside Coordinator for the arrangements,
and to Régine, Bernard, & Marie Achten (our program's originators) for all their help in Belgium,
through so many ways and means; and for their photos and those of Joost Claassens in Belgium.
Dianna Peirson gets credit for the last shot on the page.
Ultimate thanks to the ABMC!