Memorial Day 2019 at Margraten, The Netherlands

The entrance to Margraten . . . Netherlands American.

The gorgeous AWON Memorial Day 2019 wreath and banners await presentation.


The AWON Wreath and Banners are presented on a patriotic afternoon, along with many others.


Gloria Zuccarella Layne and family. Gloria's daughters - Lynne and _____did the presentation honors.
Honoring all, of course. But here to especially honor SSGT Rocco M. Zuccarella.


Edith, a longtime Dutch grave adopter at Margraten is proud to read names of the men on the Banners.


Joost Claassens and Gloria Layne renew an old friendship.


Wreaths and Banners at Margrtaten remember 85 men by name -
our fathers - and so many others who died in the cause of freedom.

In Their Memory

Thanks to AWON Vice-President Gloria Zuccarrella Layne for acting as temporary Stateside Coordinator,
and to Rik Peirson and Joost Claassens for the photography!

Ultimate thanks to the ABMC.