Thanks for dropping in over Memorial Day Weekend!

If this is the first time you've virtually "visited" overseas American cemeteries, you're in for a treat.
It's a pleasure to introduce you to an important arm of the Executive Branch ~ and what they do.

The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) was established by Congress in 1923
to commemorate the servic, achievements, and sacrifice of United States Armed Forces.
The ABMC maintains 26 American Cemeteries around the world; 16 that hold or remember the fallen of World War II.

If you're a member of AWON ~ and you're here to visit the resting place or remembrance of your father or loved one,
as you may often do ~ we hope you'll be enriched by seeing a few of the other Americn Cemeteries in the ABMC system.
If this is your first time here ~ and your father or loved one was KIA in WWII ~ please join us.

To learn more about AWON Membership, Click Here.

To join us (just $25 a year!), Click Here.

For a few hints on Navigaion . . . wherever you see a GOLD STAR like the one below . . . it'll LINK you to the main Memorial Day page!
If you're viewing on real computer browser, a deeper shadow will appear when you rollover the Star ~ confirming a link.
Be aware that iPads, iPhones, and other non-computer devices won't show the second state (confirming a link). But the link will still work!

On the Main Memorial Day page, graphics like the one below will link to an individual cemetery page.

You won't see many of these unless you link from a main cemetery page to Memorial Day treatments past.

You won't see a "graphic" like this at all unless you link to past treatments.
Try clicking the black (placeholder) graphic, and your computer or device may "allow" you so see the intended link. Either way, the link will still work!

Our most deserving "Notables" are below . . . as it takes an international village.

Remember . . . click the Gold Star below and you'll be returned to the main Memorial Day page.

© 2020 • by Wreath & Banner and the sons and daughters of AWON • All rights reserved.