The youngest child of Arthur and Florence, George H. Scharas was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.
He enjoyed playing ball with his brother Irv and his best friend, Bill Leingang. His sisters, Hilda
and Eleanor share fond memories of him. In 1943, while stationed in Lake Charles, LA. he married his
sweetheart, Doris Arinsberg (also from Philadelphia). A year later, a baby daughter, Doris was born
in DeRidder, LA.
At the age of 21, on April 30, 1945, Cpl. Scharas died in an accident in Germany. A month after the
accident - a couple of weeks after VE Day - his 18 year old wife was notified. Now, more than fifty
years later, his daughter, Doris Portley, still yearns to know more about the Dad she can't remember.
Please take a moment to remember him - and all those who have died in service to their country.
-- Doris Portley --